Let's focus on what we can do!

By Disabled People for Disabled People

Following up on how a fine white powder is transformingwound care, from pressure ulcers to bone infections, for people with SCI.

In the early days of 2021, as the rest of the world hunkered down for what  would be the first full winter of the  COVID-19 pandemic, Vernon resident  

Dwight Negraiff had an infection of a dif ferent kind on his mind. For the past two  years, Negraiff, who is quadriplegic, had  struggled with a stubborn pressure ulcer  that just wouldn’t heal.  

“My doctors and nurses, they tried every  type of medicine and vacuum pump and  everything that they could think of, to try  to get it to heal, and it just would not heal,”  recalls the 57-year-old.  

It wasn’t until his wife was flipping  through the Winter 2020 edition of The  Spin that the couple learned about an in nocuous white powder, developed in the  UK, that showed serious potential for the  treatment of pressure ulcers. The cover  story (titled ‘Pressure Relief’) introduced  readers to Amicapsil (also available as Am icapsil-SCI with use information specific  to SCI), a compound that uses Micropore  Particle Technology, or MPPT, to “pump”  the toxins and enzymes secreted by infec tious bacteria to the surface of the wound,  where it can be removed. The result is an  optimized immune system response and a  more balanced microbiome, allowing heal ing to occur.  

Soon after, Negraiff sent an email to  Willingsford Healthcare, the company that  produces Amicapsil. Following a brief ex change, during which he shared a short  description and photos of his wound, the  company estimated how much Amicapsil he  would need and shipped it to his home in Ver non. It didn’t take long for him to see results.  

“My wife administered [the Amicapsil] and after two weeks, we saw significant  improvements. By the time we ran out  of the product, the wound was basically  gone. My doctors and the nurses were  all completely shocked,” says Negraiff.  “I’d had that pressure ulcer for over two  years. [Amicapsil] healed it, and it’s never  come back.”  

How Pressure Ulcers Cost Us 

If you’ve had an experience like Ne graiff’s, then you know that pressure  ulcers are a serious concern for the SCI  community. Globally, about one in three  people with SCI live with pressure ulcers,  and the costs are staggering—for both the  person with the pressure ulcer, and the  healthcare system. Pressure ulcers are difficult to heal, often resulting in prolonged  bedrest. The experience can be isolating  and reduce quality of life, negatively impacting both physical and mental health.  The financial cost is just as astounding.  A study published in 2018 put the lifetime  cost of a chronic pressure ulcer requiring  hospitalization in Ontario at $98,500 for  a single patient. In 2024, that cost would  be about $118,400. Extrapolating from  these estimates, the total cost of treating  pressure ulcers among patients with SCI  in Canada over the course of their lifetime  would come in at a whopping $3.4 billion  dollars—and that’s not including the cost  of community care. Outside of the hospital, pressure ulcers can cost about $13,500  per month for a single person, with some  patients requiring ongoing treatment for  months or years at a time.  

The reason behind these staggering  costs—physically, emotionally, and financially—is that standard treatments for  non-healing chronic wounds like pressure  ulcers just aren’t working. Standard treatments often include gels and absorbent  dressings for non-infected ulcers and topical antibiotics or antiseptics for infected  ulcers. Bodies such as the UK’s National  Institute for Health and Care Excellence  (NICE) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have explicitly stated that  systemic antibiotics and antimicrobials are  ineffective for treating pressure ulcers, and  NICE has gone so far as to explicitly state  that these treatments should not be used.  But whether it’s dogma, tradition, or a sim ple lack of alternatives, these treatments  remain common practice.  

Amicapsil applied to a wound.

An Unmet Medical Need 

According to the FDA, wounds not  healing naturally constitute an “unmet  medical need” due to the lack of effective  treatments. That’s why technologies like  MPPT, or Amicapsil, have the potential to  revolutionize wound care, especially for  people with SCI.  

“People with SCI suffer from immuno suppression because the nervous system  is damaged and can’t tell the immune  system where to send the immune cells to  clean up the damage and start the healing  process when an injury occurs,” explain  Jeanette and Frank Sams-Dodd, founders  of Willingsford Healthcare. “In fact, stud ies have shown that SCI results in a 50%  reduction in the number of immune cells  that respond to a wounded area. As a re sult, it’s much easier for infectious bacteria  or anything else to take over control. And  so, in practical terms, people with SCI have  impaired wound healing and reduced abil ity to fight infection.”  

If pressure ulcers are not healed quick ly, they can be particularly dangerous for  people with SCI. Osteomyelitis, an infec tion of the bone, can develop in as little as  two weeks in a serious pressure ulcer. On  top of the prolonged periods of bedrest and  low quality of life accompanying a typical  pressure ulcer, osteomyelitis can lead to  sepsis and recurring hospitalizations. And  once the infection is in the bone, it’s much  more difficult to remove.  

“The problem is that if a wound is not  closed rapidly, it can penetrate into muscle.  And once that happens, there’s nothing to  prevent it from reaching the bone. Then  you have the risk of osteomyelitis, which  can only be treated with surgery. And the  result is that 10 to 12% of people with SCI  die as a direct consequence of the pressure  ulcers,” explains Dr. Frank Sams-Dodd.  This is why the Sams-Dodds are on a mission to effectively treat pressure ulcers;  time is of the essence to close the pressure ulcer and prevent osteomyelitis from  developing in the first place.  

A New Way Of Doing Things

You might be thinking to yourself, “If  Amicapsil has the potential to revolution ize wound care, how come my doctors  and nurses aren’t using it?” The short  answer is: Amicapsil isn’t approved for  professional use in Canada—at least, not  yet. But it can be imported to Canada for  personal use, and it’s been approved for  professional use in several other countries, including the UK, Australia, NewZealand,  and the EU.  

These approvals are supported by a  large (and growing) body of research evidence supporting the use of Amicapsil  (and SertaSil, a form of MPPT used for  veterinary wound care) in humans and  animals across a variety of wound types,  from trauma and surgical wounds to diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and, of  course, pressure ulcers. For those of you  that would like to take a deeper dive into  this research, you can find the highlights  in the Winter 2020 edition of The Spin. The  bottom line: MPPT heals wounds significantly faster than other treatments.  

However, until recently, a limitation of  the existing research supporting the use of  Amicapsil was that, aside from case stud ies, people with SCI had yet to be studied.  But new clinical research published in  the journal Frontiers in Medicine shows  just how effective Amicapsil is for treat ing wounds and pressure ulcers in people  with SCI.  

The study, a joint effort of the Will ingsford Healthcare, the National Spinal  Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hos pital, and the Duke of Cornwall Spinal  Treatment Centre at Salisbury Hospital,  examined the use of Amicapsil as a treat ment for 44 wounds and pressure ulcers  in 25 people with SCI. Given the lack of  effective treatments to serve as compara tors and the risks involved with leaving a  wound untreated (as would be the case in  a placebo group), the study investigated  Amicapsil use under real-world conditions.  

“You’re not allowed to use placebo or  comparators if you know that you are  exposing the person in the study to irrevers ible morbidity or death,” explain Jeanette  and Frank, who are study co-authors. “We  knew that the existing treatments were not  considered effective in treating pressure ul cers, so we could not ethically ask a patient  to be in the comparison group.”  

Delivered via telemedicine in community  care, the researchers simply observed the  effects of the Amicapsil and compared the  findings against outcome data available in  other published studies. “We didn’t put in any extra parameters or measurements,  we simply just recorded when people were  using Amicapsil, what happened to the  wound—did it close, did it not close—how  long it took, and how much Amicapsil was  needed,” says Frank.  

A Treatment That Works 

Because Amicapsil functions in part by  harnessing a person’s own immune cells  to promote healing, there was a possibil ity that Amicapsil might not work well in  people who are immune compromised, in cluding people with SCI. But the results  of the study showed that this was not the  case. In fact, daily use of Amicapsil closed  all acute and chronic pressure ulcers in  the study.  

“The results of our study show that the  number of days to close [the wound] sim ply depends on the severity and age of the  wound, but the important part was we  had the 100% closure rate. As long as we  [treated the wound] before osteomyelitis  was present, we were able to close the  wound,” says Frank.  

What’s more, in wounds acting as a  draining fistula from an underlying source  of infection, such as osteomyelitis, Amic apsil was able to remove the soft tissue  infection in as little as 2.5 months, sig nificantly reducing the size of the wound  and the risk of sepsis. As a result, patients  spent less time in hospital, required less  bed rest, and reported greater wellbeing.  

“What Amicapsil does is to reduce the  overall level or quantity of infection in  your body. And an infection in your body  releases toxins into your blood. So, the  smaller you can keep any infection that’s 

chronic, the less toxins you will have in your blood. Toxins in your blood is called toxemia and it takes away your energy and makes you feel miserable,” explains Jean 

ette. “And while a draining fistula resulting from osteomyelitis won’t completely close, what we’re getting back from people is that  [the Amicapsil] makes a very, very big difference because they don’t need bed rest  and they get their energy back. They can  exercise, they can go out, they can play  an active part in the family, or maybe hold  a job. You still need to treat the draining  fistula every day, but it gives a completely  different quality of life.”  

The effects of Amicapsil on soft tissue infections may also have diagnostic value when it comes to identifying the presence of osteomyelitis. Research shows that current diagnostic tools, including MRI, CT, and X-ray scans, are not very effective for diagnosing osteomyelitis in people with SCI. But if a wound that is being treated with Amicapsil refuses to close, it could indicate an underlying source of infection.  Visible markers on the wound surface could also be used to indicate if osteomyel itis is present.  

According to Frank, there isn’t a down side to using Amicapsil for pressure  ulcers, whether or not osteomyelitis lies  underneath. “If someone comes in with a  pressure ulcer, you want to treat it immedi ately because it may still just be a wound.  You don’t want to spend too much time get ting an MRI because by that time it could  already have developed osteomyelitis. And  if it is osteomyelitis, you would want to use  the Amicapsil anyway to reduce the soft  tissue infection and risk of sepsis.”  

While still in the preliminary stages,  the Sams-Dodds are working on new re search to better understand how Amicapsil  can be used to support the treatment of  osteomyelitis, and how it might serve as a  diagnostic tool.  

Cheaper And Easier  

Another important highlight from the  study published in Frontiers in Medicine  showed that, in addition to being safe and  effective, Amicapsil can considerably reduce the cost of pressure ulcer care for  people with SCI. Compared with standard care, per-wound cost savings of 51% to  94% per wound (depending on wound severity and age) resulted from successful  wound closures and controlling soft tissue  infection linked with osteomyelitis.  

The telemedicine approach also lowers  costs by reducing the demand placed on  nurses and other healthcare providers. Am icapsil can be administered independently  at home and does not require bed rest, en abling self-care. “The fact that it can be  delivered by telemedicine means that you  don’t have to wait. If you have someone  who can help you or you can apply it your self, you don’t have to wait at home for the  nurse to come. You can choose your own  schedule,” explains Frank.  

“It provides a huge change towards  equal access because anyone can help to  treat the wound. We’ve even had a patient  who had help from his 10 year old daughter, she did it better than anyone else,” adds Jeanette. “You don’t need to be a  wound expert.”  

In fact, the telemedicine approach takes  place entirely over email. All you need is  phone, tablet, or computer with a camera  and an internet connection. “Normally,  what happens is that people contact us, we  ask them to send a picture of the wound  and information on the wound age, how it  has been treated, and whether there are  underlying issues. Then based on that, we  tell them what to expect. And then we can  send [the Amicapsil] to them. And then if  they wish we can help them use it correctly  so that they get the maximum benefit from  it,” says Frank.  

Treatment consists of first rinsing the  wound with tap water, preferably in the  shower or otherwise with a squeeze bot tle. Excess water is removed and, while  still moist, Amicapsil is applied directly  to the wound in an unbroken layer. The  wound can be left uncovered, or covered  with a piece of woven, cotton gauze,  which will allow airflow and evaporation.  The duration of treatment depends on  the severity of the pressure ulcer and the  healing progress.  

“And people know that their wound is  being looked after,” says Jeanette about  the telemedicine approach. “And that’s  one of the reasons why they keep sending  pictures, because it also gives them the  peace of mind that, ‘Okay, these people  are actually checking my wound every  single day, ensuring things are moving in  the right direction.’”  

Real World Evidence  

While Amicapsil use has yet to become  commonplace in Canada, satisfied clients  like Vernon’s Negraiff say it’s a no-brainer  for anyone dealing with a pressure ulcer.  “Don’t be afraid to try it. Every pharma 

ceutical drug out there has side effects.  And everybody’s body is different. I mean,  just the quality of life has changed for  me not having a nurse come over every  two days, changing bandages on my butt,  having a vacuum pump attached to my  butt, having to go to the hospital and see  the plastic surgeon and all the other BS,”  he says.  

In the UK, where Amicapsil is more  widely used, the British Spinal Injuries As sociation surveyed people with SCI about  their experiences using Amicapsil to treat  pressure ulcers. Independently confirming  the findings of the Frontiers in Medicine  study, the survey results showed that every  respondent—a total of 41 people report ing on 49 pressure ulcers—reported that  their pressure ulcer(s) closed following  MPPT treatment, and 95% of respondents  rated their experience using Amicapsil as  positive or highly positive and 0% negative. Likewise, respondents with a draining  fistula reported that Amicapsil effectively  controlled soft tissue infection resulting  from osteomyelitis.  

Susan Ormsby

Among the UK-based clients whose  lives have been impacted by Amicapsil  are Susan Ormsby and Steven Parry. Both  Ormsby and Parry are managing open  wounds with osteomyelitis, and both have  reported significant improvements since  beginning treatment with Amicapsil.  

Sixty-four-year-old Susan Ormsby of  Glasgow, Scotland, was born with spina  bifida and has been using a wheelchair  full-time since the age of 50. She has  syringomyelia, a fluid-filled cyst in her  spinal cord that causes weakness and  loss of sensation. So, when she fell off her  wheelchair and dislocated her elbow, she  wasn’t aware that she’d been injured until  much later.  

“It wasn’t until I became aware that my  arm was in pretty bad shape that I went  and got an X-ray. And it was too late to do  anything with it because osteomyelitis had  set into the bone. And a whole lot of pus  had formed, and it burst out through the  skin,” she says.  

Ormsby estimates that the open wound  on her elbow was about five to six centim eters in diameter. Her doctors told her  that if the infection in her elbow couldn’t  be controlled, the only treatment option  would be amputation—which, naturally,  she wanted to avoid.  

“So, after about nine months of having  this terribly leaky arm and I mean, it was  very, very leaky, I managed to find out  about Amicapsil. And within 12 days, we  noticed—now I’m saying 12 days after nine  months of a big gaping hole—we noticed  that the skin was starting to heal round 

about, and the hole was getting smaller to  the point now that is just a very small pin head,” says Ormsby. “And that will never  close because they want that to stay open  anyway, so that it can drain the fluid from  the bone.”  

Amicapsil not only saved her arm, but  it’s also improved her overall physical  health. “What used to happen was every  six or seven weeks, I would end up in hos 

pital getting IV antibiotics, and since I’ve  used the Amicapsil I have not needed to  be going into hospital for anything like  that. Definitely my whole system is better,” she says.  

The benefits extend to her mental health  and quality of life. “The district nurses used  to have to come in three days a week. Now  they come in once a month, just to check  that I’m happy and that everything’s going  alright,” she explains. “You feel as though  you can go on holiday without thinking, ‘I  might need treatment.’ So, it’s a big bonus  that way too.”  

Greater Manchester’s Steven Parry also  has seen how treatment with Amicapsil can  change a life. After having surgery for a  spinal arteriovenous malformation or AVM  (a tangle of blood vessels on or in the spinal  cord) and becoming a full-time wheelchair  user in 2015, Parry was discharged from  hospital with a pressure ulcer on his sacrum that deteriorated rapidly.  

“I was having it treated at my local medical center and over a period it  started to deteriorate quite rapidly. And I  became really poorly and ended up with  a pressure sore that was a grade one to  two that quickly escalated into a grade  four,” explains Parry. “And what happened was I ended up in hospital with  sepsis and osteomyelitis.” 

Steven Parry  

He underwent surgery to remove the  bone infection, but the wound still wasn’t  healing. “I was virtually bedbound for close  to two years, having nurses come every day  to change my dressings,” says Parry.  

None of the treatments helped to re move the infection or heal the wound, and  some treatments, he says, actually made  the issue worse. He wound up back in hos pital several times as a direct result of the  osteomyelitis. That’s when he decided to  try Amicapsil.  

“My wound was horrendous to start  with, very deep and infected, and it went  from a big hole to more or less a tiny pin hole using the Amicapsil,” says Parry. “My  aim was to keep me out of hospital, keep  me safe, keep me sepsis-free. You know,  reduce the flare ups of the osteomyelitis.  And since I’ve been using Amicapsil I’ve  not been in hospital, I’ve not had to have  constant antibiotics, and I’ve not had to  have any more surgery. It’s just changed  my life completely.”  

The Challenges That Remain 

Despite the success they’ve experienced using Amicapsil, a key challenge that Negraiff, Ormsby, and Parry all highlighted is the cost. Amicapsil is approved for use as a medical device, not a pharmaceutical. This means that there is no insurance coverage for the product, and users must pay for it themselves.  “My insurance company wouldn’t cover [the $600 cost] because it wasn’t approved.  

Susan’s open wound before (left) and after (right) using Amicapsil. But they said in two years or three years,  

The Science Behind Amicapsil 

If you missed our last article about Amicapsil, you might be wondering, “How does Micropore Particle Technology (MPPT) actually work?”  To explain, we need to take a closer look at our skin—or, more specifically, what’s living on our skin.  

In healthy skin with a naturally healing wound, there is an established, well-functioning population of microbes. They live inside a  protective biofilm where they collaborate as a microsociety. This is called a microbiome. The microbiome collaborates with the body’s  immune system to keep the skin and wound healthy.  

“When you look at a wound that is healing, you have this diverse, rich population of different types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that  directly help the immune system in order to prevent infection. And infection occurs when one or a few species have taken over control  of the wound,” explains Frank Sams-Dodd.  

“You have to think of it as a synergy. So, in healthy skin and healthy wounds, the bacterial population is constantly communicat ing with your immune system, and the immune system is policing the population so that everybody keeps at the right levels and the  right composition, and nobody takes over control. So, the immune system is in control, but it’s always in synergy with the microbes,”  adds Jeanette Sams-Dodd.  

When a small number of microbes “take over” control of the wound, they secrete toxins and enzymes that prevent the immune system  from doing its job. This includes both disarming the immune cells and reinforcing the “protective” biofilm so that the immune cells can’t  access the wound’s microbiome. The infectious toxins and enzymes exist in the tissue, exudate (fluid from a wound), and pus.  

What happens when you apply the Amicapsil is that it draws the exudate to the wound’s surface, where it evaporates, through tiny  pores. The pores are so tiny that they can produce a very strong capillary force. It’s the same thing that happens when you leave a straw  in a glass of water—the force of adhesion holding the water molecules together and to the straw is stronger than the force of gravity, and  forces the water up the straw. The smaller the pores, the stronger the forces.  

These capillary forces do two things at the same time: They create holes in the biofilm that allow the immune cells to access the  microbiome, and they suck away the harmful toxins and enzymes. The result is that the immune cells are now working and have access  to the biofilm, where they can restore the diversity of the microbiome and promote healing.  

“It’s a very different mode of action compared to antimicrobials, which try to kill everything,” says Jeanette Sams-Dodd. “When you use  antiseptics, for example, iodine and silver, they don’t just kill the bacteria, they also kill the immune cells and the new tissue cells that the  body are making in order to heal the wound. Whereas MPPT works in tandem with the immune system to support it without killing anything.”  

And because there are no antimicrobials involved in Amicapsil, there are other benefits as well. For example, Amicapsil is effective  against antimicrobial-resistant wound infections, but it won’t contribute to antimicrobial resistance. And unlike antimicrobials, the com ponents of Amicapsil are non-toxic and will not cause pollution or contribute to climate change.  

“It’s about more than antibiotics that stop working—those resistant microbes end up in nature, where they can actually contribute to  climate change and global warming,” say Jeanette and Frank Sams-Dodd.  

MPPT acts via capillary evaporation.

if it gets approved, then they’ll reimburse  me,” says Negraiff.  

While smaller wounds can be healed  in as little as one bottle, more complex  wounds (including draining fistulas) could  require much more and may require  lifetime treatment. But for people like  Negraiff, Ormsby, and Parry, it’s a small  price to pay for the value it provides.  

“If you’ve got a pressure sore, which  can take months and months to heal, or even sometimes they don’t heal, definitely use [Amicapsil]. You know, it might  cost you a bit of money initially, but in  the long run your whole quality of life  will improve because you don’t have that  infection that you have with the normal  dressing,” advises Ormsby.  

Another challenge lies in the level of  awareness and response to the product  among healthcare providers. Amicapsil is  not approved for professional use in Can 

ada, so doctors and nurses aren’t allowed  to administer it. But in the UK, where it has  been approved, some healthcare providers  refuse to use it.  

“When I first started using Amicapsil,  my nurses down at the medical center  wouldn’t touch it because I bought it pri vately. They didn’t want any liability, which  was understandable,” says Parry.  

Whether it’s concerns about liability,  personal beliefs, or a lack of understanding about the product, research shows  that it takes time—an average of 17  years—for research evidence supporting  a treatment like Amicapsil to make its way  into clinical practice.  

Advocating For Change  

The same challenges existed four  years ago when we first reported on  Amicapsil in The Spin, but there’s one  important difference: A mounting body  of research evidence and a growing  number of people who’ve seen the difference it can make. And with more  evidence and more people voicing  their support, there’s a possibility that  healthcare policymakers might see its  value too.  

While Ormsby has reached out  the Health Secretary of Scotland for  support, Parry is petitioning the UK  government to make Amicapsil freely  available to people with pressure ulcers through the UK’s publicly funded  healthcare system, the National Health  Service (NHS).  

“People who haven’t suffered from  pressure sores, they don’t know the full  impact,” says Parry. “And when you’ve  been a sufferer yourself, and I’m still an  ongoing sufferer, I know the impact that  pressure sores have on people’s lives.  And I think if this powder was readily  available through the NHS, a lot more  people could have a better lifestyle.”  

While it may take time for healthcare  providers and policymakers to come  around, the potential for treatments like  Amicapsil to transform wound care and  enhance the lives of people with SCI is  not lost on the Sams-Dodds.  

“From the research perspective, this  is the first time you’ve been able to  treat an infection in a wound or skin  without the need for antimicrobials,”  says Frank. “And from the clinical and  patient perspective, there’s a huge unmet medical need in wounds, all types  of wounds, not just SCI. And Amicapsil  is the first treatment that can close and  heal ulcers consistently. The potential to  save lives is huge.” 

Trying It For Yourself  

If you’d like to try Amicapsil for your self, it can be purchased directly from  Willingsford Healthcare. To ensure that  Amicapsil fits with your other treatments and healthcare concerns, it’s a  good idea to consult with your medical  team first. If your team is reluctant to  support it, you always have the option  of trying it by yourself. If you move for ward with this, Willingsford Healthcare  is willing to review daily photos and of fer guidance to you, or to your family  member or carer who is handling the treatment, via email. For more information, visit willingsford.com or email  contact@willingsford.com.  

And if you decide to try Amicapsil,  please let us know about your experi ences with it so that we, in turn, can let  other peers know.  

For more information about pressure  injuries, check out the Skin Health section of our LivingwithSCI.ca website,  and be sure to have our Pressure Injury  Prevention wallet card handy. ■