Academy for disabled journalists
The Academy for Disabled Journalists (ADJ) was formed in 2019 with the ‘Roving Reporter’ program which we started with our team of disabled volunteers at Ability Today HQ. Going out on assignment to cover the world around them, creating reports of their experiences from a disabled perspective. As they developed their reporting skills it was clear that this could be a gateway to a possible career path.
We have partnered with the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) to create a unique and accessible (ONLINE) environment, where people with disabilities can learn journalism without the conventional barriers, studying online alongside their peers. All delivered via the distance learning platform and weekly zoom classes.
We are now in our fifth year of the ADJ and supporting students at both an introductory level to journalism and a Diploma. If you think that one of these courses could be for you, click below to learn more.